ok, so this is the family history that i know of now . . . long time ago there was a girl from sweden who married a guy from sweden who moved to canada. they had brothers and sisters who moved to new york, south africa, austraila, minnesota, and california. then, someone married a lady from Kentucky who had cousins who lived in kentucky, and who moved to kentuky & also had a father who worked as a traveling salesmen durring days of depression and who remarried with another family who lived in Kansas. His father fought in battle of vicksburg and then moved to kentucky, who had a father who was from Ireland (Famly name - Burress) and came to america durring the potaytoe famine. also, these were related to Keller (& Helen Keller), among others (such as Miller, Mclean, & Campbell from the tribe of Macentosh). while on the other side of family, there was a lady who's father and brother worked for the railroad and they lived in an irish settlement/town by the bend at the river. her father was from Humbolt Tennisee and the famous Elvis Presley (through his mother i think) was related to them, furthermore, he married a lady who married a lewing whose family came from glascow scottland, while her name was McIntre and who moved first to South Carolina. somehow there is a relation to "roma" (the people - not the name) in romainia, or in transylvainia & from the lands of the aral, the baltic, & the caspian sea. And, also had cousins from the house of princess fred of prussia. she had a mother who had a mountain in the land where they have the bear, the pelican, and the linx, (in the land which was once called transylvainia) and also had an uncle or cousin named Herman who had a wife who died in the holocost. furthermore, many cousins from ireland, scottland, england, france, spain, russia (from the house of Ivan& the cossacks), and up north (in lousisana & arkansas), etc. furthermore there were relatives in texas and in new orleans, depree, deshotels, & din en quey. some family last names were vallo, merry, gaspard, magoun (who was Dr.), merry, mcIntre, roland, baptist, recouley, dozaurt, fontanough (spelling?), puckett, karns (in South Carolina), cobb (a pirate), moreland, king (from the king's forest in old England), brown, aymond, berg, & jahnson (or son of jahn). some families who are realted by births and by marraiges are burrel, newman, massey, hartman, westbrook, white, armand, brooks, guillory, laughlin, preister, & clarkson. these names go on, but these are what come to mind at the moment. some first name family names are, lillian, rose, allida, elizabeth, mary, mildred, ardatha, lorraine, lovie, emma, tina bell, lucida, annie, ada, amacinda, virgina, nina, narsisis, helga, helen, ursula, myra, sandra, sarah, selma, edna, ida, frank, hubert, walter, william, oscar, robert, axel, alex, erik, norman, cyrus, elbert, peirre, lorrah, newton, grant, & samuel. cities, states, towns, and coutries and/or areas where they lived are: Louisiana, California, Kansas, Minnasota, Idaho, Wyomming, Oklahoma, Texas, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconson, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennesee, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Missouri, New York, New Jersey, Manatoba (Canada), Sasquatuwon (Canada), British Columbia (Canada), Ireland, Sweden, Scottland, England, Russia, Transylvainia (Oreida - Romainia), Spain, & France, New Orleans, Alexandria (Louisiana), the town of Elizabeth (louisiana), Grant Parish (Louisiana), Sabine Parish (Louisiana), Vernen Parish (Louisiana), Shrevesport (Louisiana), Monroe (Louisiana), Boyce (louisiana), Indiannapolis (Indiana), Saint Paul (Minnasota), Fern Creek (Kentucky), Montreol (Canada), Paris (France), Glascow (Scotland), Dublin (Ireland), The King's Forest (England/U.K.), Manhatten (New York - upper east side - china town), Mongolia (hun[hungarian]dynasty), Tattars (Turkey), Cumans (mid-asia), Cossacks (Cirrcausia), Prussia, Poland, Checkoslovakia, Israel, Greece, Rome, & Persia.
Strousbourgh, which was a common general listing they used in the area for the people who were the cajins who came from the country of France and were left without land or monies. i believe Mortsi (was also called point coupee) was a very small place just outside there were some people i grew up with and around and recalled them talking about some family connections as well. just for my reference, there was the levi tribe who expressed they were from the cumans and a mix of people but were also from russia and came here to the area on a boat together. there were two or three people who expressed that they were related to a Columbus Foster, one had family from Milwalkie and had expressed also the falsness of the tribe of the cumins/cossacks that came here from russia and hungaria and they seemed to know some things about that group of people locally and abroad, another has famliy in Ohio ( i think?) and also from here locally, and another was from a certain indian tribe in northwest Louisisana. Also there was a robbie webb whom i went to school with briefly who expressed that we were from the same people. i think i had an algebra teacher as well who was related somehow and her name might have been lalonde (though i'm not certian) the story was that there were a bunch of cousins who went to live with an aunt in florian louisiana durring the days of the depression. the word was the uncle (Hose) was sort of an odd fellow, but that the aunt (his wife) was much reveered. currently, that is all i can recall. it's been interesting figureing out who all of my cousins are, many of them i grew up around and didn't even know it, and they were the people i got along best with it seems. family histories are so very interesting. they are real life dramas, real life stories that actually happened, & have mysteries that are always of interest. there are many stories here in this family history. i'm sure i could relay quite a bunch.
now, there are other stories which i cannot confirm of their truth and may in fact be only false stories, but it was said that some of my great grandparents were bankers and that their bank had burned down before coming here to america. there is also a story of a lady who came from france in the kitchen of a ship which belonged to a captian (possinbly a Captian Brown from Ireland who sailed around the continent of South America all the way to argentina bringing refuges from ireland from the days of the potatoe famine and otherwise, whose related cousins i have met and now one of which i believe lives in alabama by the name of Koskie, if that's correct) and whose of the ship which she came in who knew her family somehow. there is also a story of a lady who was a school teacher and built the first school house in the town of Bunkie, Louisisana. these stories i have yet to confirm, but they may be worth looking into. it could be that on the aymond side of the family, that the records were changed and hidden for either purposes of protection or otherwise & that the names and stories listed and associated beyond the name of Newton Grant Aymond could be from the Armand family line instead (who came from a tiny cajin byoux near the town of Mansurra in Louisana, and also then from a place called "mortsi" or "Alsage, France" or lorraine (or even of Mansurra, Lousisana and they had a family who lived there who were all related and cousins married cousins in an effort to remain "french" and also because of a lack of travel and money to travel. These "Aymonds" must have been distant cousins somehow though, though they were from Avoyolles Parish and came into my family only by marriage. There was an Uncle Simon Armand who had a son and a daughter, he married my aunt, my mother's sister. He had two children from a previous marraige. they did not have any children together and became divorced after some years. they were of French and German descent & the son named "Bruce" was in the trucking industry and owned and drove his own disel engine for various companies which needed transport of goods. Now, my "Aymond" family came from Grant Parish somehow. My grandfather was named after a famous person who led a revolt in the area of Grant Parish many decades ago, which would have been his given middle name "Harrison". more than likely the name Grant came from the Parish someone was born in and possibly a general or governor or someone of reknown whom the Parish was named after. i do have two distant cousins which i know of who have connections to the Parish there. One was a Linda, who was a second cousin of my mother's whose name was Aymond and changed it to after being married. she had two daughters who i met and went to school with briefly. They also attended the United Methodist church in town. another distant cousin was from the line of Moreland & Laughlin. i have never met them formally, though i do remember some things from my grant aunt sarah, whom i did meet and was a sister to my grandfather Aymond.
My aunt sarah had two or more sisters who all got along and took care of their mother who became ill with cancer. the story is that they got together and made her a dress and had a picture made of her in her dress on the front porch of thier house just shortly before she passed away. Aunt Sarah married twice, i believe, Laughlin & Fleming and Hoit(?). Her first Husband died and after some time she remarried. i understand she had a son and some grandchildren, and that is all i know. i do believe that some of the aymonds are buryied in a family plot in the Greenwood Cemetary in Pineville, and of course also in the old city plots maintained by the the city, the episcaple, and methodist churches here in town. My Grandfather had many brothers and sisters, there names were, Lorrah, Arlie, Lillian, Sarah, Albert, Helen, Ethel, Myra, Hubert, & Elbert. I'm actually not certain that the Hoit name is correct either. it seems like that information might have ben changed as well, from the name of Rosa dixie Moreland and her parents and so on. Rosa Dixie Moreland was in fact her name and she did have a daughter named Sarah with all the sisters and brothers, who are all mostly burried here in the local cemetaries. but i am not sure about the "magoun" & John Howell Moreland names. supposedly there was a doctor by the name of Cyrus J. Magoun, but i seem to remember my Uncle Simon Armond possibly relaying that they were from their family, again i am not sure. My Grandfather Aymond's father was from here in town and served as a policeman for the city and the parish durring the days of the great depression. there is a story of an old white horse he had brought home one day, apparently his father rode a white horse before him across a river. though i cannot confirm that. supposedly there is a picture of Newton Grant aymond crossing a river in a book of historians of the state of Louisiana, but i have yet to find the book or the picture. supposedly the currators of the book placed his picture in there as "unknown", while my grandfather was reading the book he came across the "unknown" picture and expressed that it was his father - and told the historical story of when his father crossed the river with great peril and lived to tell about it. i'm not sure what river it was, it might have been a river in avoyelles parish or it might have been the red river, i do not know. i don't know much about that side of my family. i certianly would like to know more. i would like to know more about his mother and her family. his father (whom i suppoedly have a picture of) looked to be of swiss decent, though agian i can not comfirm that. i really can not even confirm if it is in fact his (Newton Grant Aymond) picture. it may be. i do not know. it may be that the city of Alexandria might would have a formal picture of him since being he worked for the city. i do believe that the picture of his mother Rosa Dixie Moreland is in fact her picture because of the story that my Great Aunt Sarah and Ethel told. maybe the morelands have more info or maybe the laughlins or the flemmings (who were cousins), or maybe even the hoits have more stories. i would like to know. moving on, i could tell you about...ah! conquete, yes - that would be from Spain from the line of Queen Mary of Spain, but that would only be if the names are correct, which they well might not be. also, their is a question of a family member who was from an indian tribe in the area, i'm not sure what tribe, more than likey chawktaw or apache. think that's about it as far as my family history goes, until i can think of something else ~
ok, so this is the family history that i know of now . . . long time ago there was a girl from sweden who married a guy from sweden who moved to canada. they had brothers and sisters who moved to new york, south africa, austraila, minnesota, and california. then, someone married a lady from Kentucky who had cousins who lived in kentucky, and who moved to kentuky & also had a father who worked as a traveling salesmen durring days of depression and who remarried with another family who lived in Kansas. His father fought in battle of vicksburg and then moved to kentucky, who had a father who was from Ireland (Famly name - Burress) and came to america durring the potaytoe famine. also, these were related to Keller (& Helen Keller), among others (such as Miller, Mclean, & Campbell from the tribe of Macentosh). while on the other side of family, there was a lady who's father and brother worked for the railroad and they lived in an irish settlement/town by the bend at the river. her father was from Humbolt Tennisee and the famous Elvis Presley (through his mother i think) was related to them, furthermore, he married a lady who married a lewing whose family came from glascow scottland, while her name was McIntre and who moved first to South Carolina. somehow there is a relation to "roma" (the people - not the name) in romainia, or in transylvainia & from the lands of the aral, the baltic, & the caspian sea. And, also had cousins from the house of princess fred of prussia. she had a mother who had a mountain in the land where they have the bear, the pelican, and the linx, (in the land which was once called transylvainia) and also had an uncle or cousin named Herman who had a wife who died in the holocost. furthermore, many cousins from ireland, scottland, england, france, spain, russia (from the house of Ivan& the cossacks), and up north (in lousisana & arkansas), etc. furthermore there were relatives in texas and in new orleans, depree, deshotels, & din en quey. some family last names were vallo, merry, gaspard, magoun (who was Dr.), merry, mcIntre, roland, baptist, recouley, dozaurt, fontanough (spelling?), puckett, karns (in South Carolina), cobb (a pirate), moreland, king (from the king's forest in old England), brown, aymond, berg, & jahnson (or son of jahn). some families who are realted by births and by marraiges are burrel, newman, massey, hartman, westbrook, white, armand, brooks, guillory, laughlin, preister, & clarkson. these names go on, but these are what come to mind at the moment. some first name family names are, lillian, rose, allida, elizabeth, mary, mildred, ardatha, lorraine, lovie, emma, tina bell, lucida, annie, ada, amacinda, virgina, nina, narsisis, helga, helen, ursula, myra, sandra, sarah, selma, edna, ida, frank, hubert, walter, william, oscar, robert, axel, alex, erik, norman, cyrus, elbert, peirre, lorrah, newton, grant, & samuel. cities, states, towns, and coutries and/or areas where they lived are: Louisiana, California, Kansas, Minnasota, Idaho, Wyomming, Oklahoma, Texas, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconson, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennesee, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Missouri, New York, New Jersey, Manatoba (Canada), Sasquatuwon (Canada), British Columbia (Canada), Ireland, Sweden, Scottland, England, Russia, Transylvainia (Oreida - Romainia), Spain, & France, New Orleans, Alexandria (Louisiana), the town of Elizabeth (louisiana), Grant Parish (Louisiana), Sabine Parish (Louisiana), Vernen Parish (Louisiana), Shrevesport (Louisiana), Monroe (Louisiana), Boyce (louisiana), Indiannapolis (Indiana), Saint Paul (Minnasota), Fern Creek (Kentucky), Montreol (Canada), Paris (France), Glascow (Scotland), Dublin (Ireland), The King's Forest (England/U.K.), Manhatten (New York - upper east side - china town), Mongolia (hun[hungarian]dynasty), Tattars (Turkey), Cumans (mid-asia), Cossacks (Cirrcausia), Prussia, Poland, Checkoslovakia, Israel, Greece, Rome, & Persia.
ReplyDeleteStrousbourgh, which was a common general listing they used in the area for the people who were the cajins who came from the country of France and were left without land or monies. i believe Mortsi (was also called point coupee) was a very small place just outside there were some people i grew up with and around and recalled them talking about some family connections as well. just for my reference, there was the levi tribe who expressed they were from the cumans and a mix of people but were also from russia and came here to the area on a boat together. there were two or three people who expressed that they were related to a Columbus Foster, one had family from Milwalkie and had expressed also the falsness of the tribe of the cumins/cossacks that came here from russia and hungaria and they seemed to know some things about that group of people locally and abroad, another has famliy in Ohio ( i think?) and also from here locally, and another was from a certain indian tribe in northwest Louisisana. Also there was a robbie webb whom i went to school with briefly who expressed that we were from the same people. i think i had an algebra teacher as well who was related somehow and her name might have been lalonde (though i'm not certian) the story was that there were a bunch of cousins who went to live with an aunt in florian louisiana durring the days of the depression. the word was the uncle (Hose) was sort of an odd fellow, but that the aunt (his wife) was much reveered. currently, that is all i can recall. it's been interesting figureing out who all of my cousins are, many of them i grew up around and didn't even know it, and they were the people i got along best with it seems. family histories are so very interesting. they are real life dramas, real life stories that actually happened, & have mysteries that are always of interest. there are many stories here in this family history. i'm sure i could relay quite a bunch.
ReplyDeletenow, there are other stories which i cannot confirm of their truth and may in fact be only false stories, but it was said that some of my great grandparents were bankers and that their bank had burned down before coming here to america. there is also a story of a lady who came from france in the kitchen of a ship which belonged to a captian (possinbly a Captian Brown from Ireland who sailed around the continent of South America all the way to argentina bringing refuges from ireland from the days of the potatoe famine and otherwise, whose related cousins i have met and now one of which i believe lives in alabama by the name of Koskie, if that's correct) and whose of the ship which she came in who knew her family somehow. there is also a story of a lady who was a school teacher and built the first school house in the town of Bunkie, Louisisana. these stories i have yet to confirm, but they may be worth looking into. it could be that on the aymond side of the family, that the records were changed and hidden for either purposes of protection or otherwise & that the names and stories listed and associated beyond the name of Newton Grant Aymond could be from the Armand family line instead (who came from a tiny cajin byoux near the town of Mansurra in Louisana, and also then from a place called "mortsi" or "Alsage, France" or lorraine (or even of Mansurra, Lousisana and they had a family who lived there who were all related and cousins married cousins in an effort to remain "french" and also because of a lack of travel and money to travel. These "Aymonds" must have been distant cousins somehow though, though they were from Avoyolles Parish and came into my family only by marriage. There was an Uncle Simon Armand who had a son and a daughter, he married my aunt, my mother's sister. He had two children from a previous marraige. they did not have any children together and became divorced after some years. they were of French and German descent & the son named "Bruce" was in the trucking industry and owned and drove his own disel engine for various companies which needed transport of goods. Now, my "Aymond" family came from Grant Parish somehow. My grandfather was named after a famous person who led a revolt in the area of Grant Parish many decades ago, which would have been his given middle name "Harrison". more than likely the name Grant came from the Parish someone was born in and possibly a general or governor or someone of reknown whom the Parish was named after. i do have two distant cousins which i know of who have connections to the Parish there. One was a Linda, who was a second cousin of my mother's whose name was Aymond and changed it to after being married. she had two daughters who i met and went to school with briefly. They also attended the United Methodist church in town. another distant cousin was from the line of Moreland & Laughlin. i have never met them formally, though i do remember some things from my grant aunt sarah, whom i did meet and was a sister to my grandfather Aymond.
ReplyDeleteMy aunt sarah had two or more sisters who all got along and took care of their mother who became ill with cancer. the story is that they got together and made her a dress and had a picture made of her in her dress on the front porch of thier house just shortly before she passed away. Aunt Sarah married twice, i believe, Laughlin & Fleming and Hoit(?). Her first Husband died and after some time she remarried. i understand she had a son and some grandchildren, and that is all i know. i do believe that some of the aymonds are buryied in a family plot in the Greenwood Cemetary in Pineville, and of course also in the old city plots maintained by the the city, the episcaple, and methodist churches here in town. My Grandfather had many brothers and sisters, there names were, Lorrah, Arlie, Lillian, Sarah, Albert, Helen, Ethel, Myra, Hubert, & Elbert. I'm actually not certain that the Hoit name is correct either. it seems like that information might have ben changed as well, from the name of Rosa dixie Moreland and her parents and so on. Rosa Dixie Moreland was in fact her name and she did have a daughter named Sarah with all the sisters and brothers, who are all mostly burried here in the local cemetaries. but i am not sure about the "magoun" & John Howell Moreland names. supposedly there was a doctor by the name of Cyrus J. Magoun, but i seem to remember my Uncle Simon Armond possibly relaying that they were from their family, again i am not sure. My Grandfather Aymond's father was from here in town and served as a policeman for the city and the parish durring the days of the great depression. there is a story of an old white horse he had brought home one day, apparently his father rode a white horse before him across a river. though i cannot confirm that. supposedly there is a picture of Newton Grant aymond crossing a river in a book of historians of the state of Louisiana, but i have yet to find the book or the picture. supposedly the currators of the book placed his picture in there as "unknown", while my grandfather was reading the book he came across the "unknown" picture and expressed that it was his father - and told the historical story of when his father crossed the river with great peril and lived to tell about it. i'm not sure what river it was, it might have been a river in avoyelles parish or it might have been the red river, i do not know. i don't know much about that side of my family. i certianly would like to know more. i would like to know more about his mother and her family. his father (whom i suppoedly have a picture of) looked to be of swiss decent, though agian i can not comfirm that. i really can not even confirm if it is in fact his (Newton Grant Aymond) picture. it may be. i do not know. it may be that the city of Alexandria might would have a formal picture of him since being he worked for the city. i do believe that the picture of his mother Rosa Dixie Moreland is in fact her picture because of the story that my Great Aunt Sarah and Ethel told. maybe the morelands have more info or maybe the laughlins or the flemmings (who were cousins), or maybe even the hoits have more stories. i would like to know. moving on, i could tell you about...ah! conquete, yes - that would be from Spain from the line of Queen Mary of Spain, but that would only be if the names are correct, which they well might not be. also, their is a question of a family member who was from an indian tribe in the area, i'm not sure what tribe, more than likey chawktaw or apache. think that's about it as far as my family history goes, until i can think of something else ~