Sunday, August 1, 2010

My Report On Grand Isle


i'm pretty tired. i went to Grand Isle and detoured to New Orleans. My report on Grand Isle is such: three eating establishments open, a new gasoline station, a grocery store and that's about it. they did not have a warf or a formal dock for pedestrians, vacationers, or anything of astetic value as far as boating goes. i could not find the ocean or the beach, or did not have access to it. i did see a realitor listing many homes and businesses for sale. i imagine i could call Century 21 and they would have proper information on what is there and available. The Starfish resturant was open. The lighthouse resturant was said to be open. The gasoline staion was open on that particular day and was stocked with the usual conveniance items. The blue dolphin Inn looked unkept. They did have a resturant which looked newly restored but i was not sure if they were actually open for business. There was a toll to pay of $2.50, you could prepay it with a credit card ~ they had adequit signs for that. i found the road there to be ok. it was worn in a couple of spots on the way to laffayette and down south by way of highway 1. i did find that the national guard did a really good job of making the island accessible again! they built a new bridge which looked just awesome! And, the grocery store and gasoline station they put in was nice too. They did have an industrial dock. i saw a few boats along the way. i took a detour to New Orleans on my way back. it was 113 degrees outside, lol, and i was driving with no air-conditioning, so i didn't enjoy my trip back too well. but i did find that Harrahs Casino was open and had really cool air, lol! The riverwalk mall was closed at 7pm & the Aquarium of the Americas was not open at night either. i did find a parking spot for 20.00$, till 2 am, with the CBD group who was gracious enough to allow me to park there : ) i bought a large green tea, & a politically correct water at Harrah's Casino, & some extra strength tylenol and went home. That was my trip for the weekend. Other than that, i missed my exist for home because the town of Laffayette did not have a proper sign for the north interstate. i winded up running into a junction at Eunice called route 13 and took it north till i ran into the main north interstate highway. It was a nice road. they did have two or three gas staions along the way. all in all i would say it was an adventure. i think next time i will go with airconditioning, lol!

*by the way, although the service at the Starfish Resturant was not as friendly, they did make an excellent shrimp poboy, fresh from the sea. it really was very good : )

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