Tuesday, August 3, 2010

reading my mind?

"you're not using the right mechanism or materials to pick up those very complicated brain wave patterns and complexities, what you could be using is the reverse of music or sound. if we can move tiny objects through sound/sound waves then we could essentially pick up more complicated brain wave patterns using sound or the opposite of sound, thereby using sound sensors to capture the mind's waves? "

instead of using wires, you could use . . .

or, maybe it's more like mimicking the basic shape and pattern of the brain in order to pick up on it, a reverse. I'll give it some more thought.

. . . I guess I was thinking you could use music to act as a sounding board. you use the basic musical piece as a backdrop, it fills in all the cavities (so to speak) and then so it is better distributed throughout the brain. then, you use a computerized detector to interpret what was received back. what you would get back is a picture of what the brain is thinking and all of it's interactions, wave wise, with the music as well as its other activities. eventually you could fill it in further with variating themes to isolate a thought, or reaction.

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