sound dynamics: relations of molecule exchange to sound pattern differentials and wave pattern variation.
circle/sphere - cross patterns of sounds and/or transistions are smooth, pass in an even variance rising and falling in even advances. no prevailant angles are heard. each rise mirrors the falling tones. each falling tone parrallells the rising tones. the rising tones match and parrelle with the others, giving rise to alternate mirrors of each other, causing cross reflections, with only very quiet and faint differences. Makes for a quiet universe : )
Squares/boxes - angles, there would be four to eight angular sounds prevailant at a similar interval. if you were to place a giant listening device in the middle of this universe, you would hear this clearly. You could tell it were a crystaline universe by hearing it's distinct and measured "chimes".
Super geometry: where shapes take on similar forms of common known geometry in our world, like the sphere, the box, the pyramid, but on more of a scale, more dynamic, more externally inclusive of design.
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