Monday, January 11, 2010

Space Apple Goes To The Movies!

Space apple goes to the movies!

This spacey apple decides to go to the movie theater. I don’t believe he had ever been in a movie theater before. Well, up to the movie ticket counter goes the alien apple, round about and through the double doors. He heads to the condiment counter. He considers buying popcorn. He decides to buy a box of cookie dough candy. He puts on his 3-D glasses, and skips on down to screen number seven. The screening room is dark, so he thinks to himself, "I'll be sure to hide safely in here." The lights are low, the movie credits begin, we hear the sound of wind, water, and waves coming from the movie screen. The action begins, the suspense, the drama. And suddenly the movie is over! He throws his last popcorn kernal into the air as the movie ends in a sudden dramatic affair. He was watching "fluffy the killer cat". The crowd in the movie all arise and pile out of the theater, along with the apple. It's a wonder that nobody noticed him. "That was a torrid affair," Sais the apple. He was happy to be out of that theater. Off to another earthen adventure and yet still had to find a banana.

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